Auch 2022 unterstütze ich mit meiner Aktion "Antritt mit Herz" weiter Unicef bei der Hilfe im kroatischen Erdbebengebiet von Petrinja, Sisak, Glina, dem Landkreis Sisak-Moslavina, Zagreb und allen Städten und Gemeinden, die unter den verheerenden Erdbeben seit 2019 gelitten haben.
Über 60.000 Euro sind Dank Eurer Spenden zusammen gekommen und haben bereits jetzt positive und sichtbare Effekte in der Region hinterlassen. So ist z.B. ein neues Jugendzentrum entstanden und das Austauschprogramm für Jugendliche aus ganz Europa ist in vollem Gange. Neben den vielen startfinanzierten Projekten hilft Eure Spende auch dabei, Folgendes in der betroffenen Erdbebenregion zu sichern:
• Hygieneartikel und Schutzausrüstung
• psychosoziale Unterstützung für Kinder und Eltern
• Unterstützung von Kindergärten und Schulen
• Unterstützung von Gesundheitseinrichtungen und Sozialdienstleistern
Ich danke Euch von ganzem Herzen für Eure Hilfe und Unterstützung auch im Namen von Unicef!

erste Weihnachtsfeier im neuen Kinder/Jugendzentrum

Starting with a heart in 2021, Unicef supports the aid in the Croatian earthquake area of Petrinja, Sisak, Glina, the district of Sisak-Moslavina, Zagreb and all cities and municipalities that have suffered from the devastating earthquake.
UNICEF has launched a "Help for Children Affected by Earthquake" appeal to use donations to help children and families in the areas hardest hit by the devastating earthquakes. Mutual support and assistance are needed to cope with these dire challenges and the most important To provide the most vulnerable children and families with the security they need for the future.
Your donation will help secure the following:
• Toiletries and protective equipment
• psychosocial support for children and parents
• Support for kindergartens and schools
• Support of health facilities and social service providers
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Inauguration with a heart 2021 supports Unicef in providing aid in the Croatian earthquake area of Petrinja, Sisak, Glina, the district of Sisak-Moslavina, Zagreb and all cities and municipalities that have suffered from the devastating earthquakes.
UNICEF has launched an appeal to “Help Children Affected by Earthquakes” to use your donations to help children and families in the areas hardest hit by the devastating earthquakes. Mutual support and assistance are needed to cope with these dire challenges and the most important To provide the most vulnerable children and families with the security they need for the time to come.
Your donation will help secure the following:
• Toiletries and protective equipment
• psychosocial support for children and parents
• Support for kindergartens and schools
• Support of health facilities and social service providers


This year I'm driving an e-car from Berlin to Split (Croatia) to film our two new Croatian thrillers. Not only do I drive to work in a CO2-neutral manner, I also collect money for Unicef and, together with my colleague Jasmin Gerat, for the Sonnenhof children's hospice. Children and thus also climate protection are our future. The more we protect and strengthen the children of our world, the more hopefully we can look to the future. As a family man of two children, I “start with my heart” from the bottom of my heart and I am very happy when you come on board and I am very grateful for your donation on behalf of Unicef and the Sonnenhof!
Donate here directly, quickly and securely .. I am happy about every amount and thank you in advance for your support!
The "Antritt mit Herz" - Tour 2020 is supported by Studio Babelsberg, Hyundai, Ionity, the Federal Association for Electromobility, Secontec GmbH, Ridee, Legrain Productions, Stromerbikes and many others.
Altitude meters in 7 days
Leipzig> Split - straight line to the south
We drive through 6 countries
over 3 low mountain ranges, the edge of the Alps to the Adriatic Sea.
With over 200 km per day we are pushing our limits.
Lenn's Co-Rider: Wolf Bosse
Lenn and Wolf have been friends for a long time.
Through joint film and advertising projects
did they know each other in a professional environment
and learned to appreciate. In the meantime, both are connected
the passion for cycling.
As team boss of the brand new racing bike team
The family man and
Media professional over 6,000 kilometers of training every year and not only supports Lenn with slipstream on this tour.

Born in Leningrad, Lenn initially enjoyed extensive acting, language, piano and violin training in East Berlin, which he successfully completed in 2003 with a diploma. In 1994 Lenn made his television debut with the role of Vladimir in the film "Katrin und Wladimir". This was followed by Jean-Jacques Annaud's "Duel - Enemy at the Gates" and Alain Gsponer's film "Kiki Und Tiger". From 2001 to 2006 Lenn was seen in a leading role in an ensemble in the renowned crime series "Section 40". Since then he has starred in many successful television and cinema productions such as "The Popess", "The Forgers" (2008 Oscar winner for best foreign film) alongside Kevin Costner, directed by Kenneth Branagh, in the Paramount production "Jack Ryan ", in" The Transporter Refueled ", produced and written by Luc Besson, and as a commissioner in the ARD series" Der Kroatien Krimi ".
In 2007 Lenn made his directorial debut with his short film "Today Is My Day". His second work as a director "Thank You Mr.President" (2009) successfully toured international festivals and won the coveted Murnau Prize. Both films were given the label "Prädikat valuable". In 2014 Lenn shot his third short film "Business as usual - The Prophet flies with you", for which he was awarded the Amnesty International Human Rights Prize, among other things.
In addition to all of this, he founded the first sustainable orchestra "The Berlin Show Orchestra" with his company Legrain Productions and is committed to reducing CO2 through the sustainability concept.
::: Winner Radio Eins short film role 2014 for BUSINESS AS USUAL
::: Humanrights Award from Amnesty International 2014 for BUSINESS AS USUAL
::: Audience Award DC Film Festival Washington 2014 for BUSINESS AS USUAL
::: Max Ophüls Festival: Nomination 'Best Short Film' for THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT (director, co-writer, producer)
::: Murnauer short film award for THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT (director, co-writer, producer)
::: New York City Short Film Festival: Nomination 'Audience Award' for THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT (director, co-author, Producer)
::: First Steps Award: Nomination 'Best Short Film' for THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT (director, co-writer, producer)
::: ITVA Award in bronze for THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT (director, co-writer, producer)
::: 45th Monte Carlo Television Festival: Nomination 'Best Ensemble' for SECTION 40
::: German Film Award: nomination 'Best Young Actor' for KIKI & TIGER

Thank You Mr. President ::: Short film by Lenn Kudrjawizki
Today Is My Day ::: short film by Lenn Kudrjawizki
Show reel ::: Lenn Kudrjawizki
InCiders ::: Irish Folk Band
Business As Usual ::: Short film by Lenn Kudrjawizki
Interview - Jack Ryan ::: Lenn Kudrjawizki
Interview with Lenn Kudrjawizki ::: Leipzig Opera Ball

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